How to Trap or Exclude Flying Squirrels

Trapping is one of the method to catch the flying Boston squirrels alive. It also helps to avoid killing or poisoning which could make them dead in the unknown and cause the odor to spread days after. So far as the matter of animals is concerned, anyone can have a pet animal but no one would like to have a Massachusetts animal that is either dead or wild. So, there are lots of ways through which a person can get rid of the animals he doesn’t want to keep inside the four walls of the Massachusetts house.

You can use trap to capture flying Boston squirrels and relocate them from your Massachusetts house. Here is how to use the traps:

- Choose the right trap. You can use small or live cage trap which is placed at corners or other area that may be hidden. Massachusetts squirrels may notice the trap when you place it on the middle of a space. Choose attic instead.

- Positioning the trap. When you place the trap, use dark alleys or path that is out of the way. This helps to open their path and easily catch them.

- Small trap. Squirrels may hurt themselves when you use large cage. Trapping them require small traps up to 6 x 6 inches. this is a good size because it is not too big nor too small.

- Purchase a good quality trap. Live cage trap is available in the marketplace and many hardware shops sell the typical traps.

- Always read instruction. Each model of trap may have different feature and how to use it. Read the instruction or manual when you want to set it right. Also, not to forget the different mechanism of the traps so you may not be hard to catch the squirrels alive. Make sure that it is locked and secured when the squirrels are caught.

- Using the bait. Bait is important to be placed inside the live cage trap. The appetizing food for squirrels include crackers, walnuts, peanut, apple slices and many other. Place the bait further inside because Boston squirrels may actually grab it and leave the trap.

After trapping Massachusetts squirrels, it is time to relocate them. Move them away from the property at least 10 miles away from your home. It is far enough to avoid them from coming back to your house. when you only move them in your yard, they will come back again because they are likely to search their way back.

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